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Preventive Dentistry

Many people subconsciously grind their teeth in times of stress or during sleep. When coming together, the strong force of the teeth and jaws can cause grinding and microfractures, resulting in prematurely worn teeth.

The dentist at Precision Dental offer mouthguards (also called night guards) to protect teeth against premature wearing. For nighttime use only, these professional mouthguards can prevent painful jaws, tooth damage and even TMJ issues.

Why a professional mouthguard?

Precision Dental uses several varieties of high quality mouthguards, depending on the needs of the patient. Every mouthguard is custom-fitted for your mouth, to offer the best comfort. Using store-bought boil-and-bite mouthguards can result in a bulky fit, and inferior materials that could cause bite problems.

The right quality mouthguard will not only protect your teeth, but your peace of mind. Request a consultation from our dentist for this protective solution today!